Fidante Benefits Package
• Tapered Annual Allowance (TAA) is a complex piece of legislation, in effect from 06 April 2016, that only affects higher earners. • In most circumstances, individuals whose total taxable income (plus the value of company pension contributions) is less than £250,000 per year will not be affected. • Individuals whose total income is above £250,000 may be affected and should read on to find out more. • Individuals whose total income is more than £260,000 are impacted and should be fully aware of the changes. • The Annual Allowance (AA) is the maximum pension contribution that can be paid in a year (tax charges apply to any excess). • The standard AA is £60,000 * per tax year. This includes both personal and employer pension contributions. • For higher earners, the AA is reduced by £1 for every £2 of income over £260,000 in a tax year. • AA reduces to an absolute minimum of £10,000 per year. • If income is £360,000 or more, AA will be reduced by £50,000 to the £10,000 minimum (£100,000 ‘excess’ income divided by two). It may be possible to pay more than this using the 3-year carry forward facility. Individuals potentially impacted should calculate their available carry forward allowance.
Test 1 – Adjusted Income
• Adjusted Income consists of an individual’s income from all sources before tax (salary, bonus, benefits in kind, profits from self-employment, rental income, investment income).
• The value of any employer pension contributions.
If the Adjusted Income figure exceeds £260,000 in a tax year, the tapering of AA will apply.
If the Adjusted Income exceeds £360,000 the AA will be just £10,000.
Test 2 – Threshold Income
In a small number of situations, an individual that fails the Adjusted Income test may not see their AA reduced:
• Threshold Income uses the same starting point (income from all sources before tax). • Personal pension contributions can be deducted. • Employer pension contributions are not added.
If the Threshold Income is £200,000 or less for the tax year, the AA will not be reduced.
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