Fidante Benefits Package

What are the Tax Benefits?

There are three significant tax advantages: Tax Relief on Contributions

➢ Personal contributions attract full income tax relief at your marginal rate. ➢ If you participate in the Salary Exchange option, personal National Insurance savings will also be enjoyed. Tax Free Growth ➢ Any investment growth achieved within the Pension is tax free (excluding any local withholding taxes on any overseas assets).

Tax Free Cash Lump Sum at Retirement

➢ When you decide to withdraw benefits, 25% of the accumulated value can be withdrawn tax free (up to a maximum tax free lump sum of £268,275).

It is these tax ‘breaks’ that give Pensions compelling advantages over any other form of mainstream investment.

When will membership start?

If you are age 22 or over and earn more than £10,000 you will be automatically enrolled into the Pension Scheme on the 1 st of the month following your commencement of service.

If you are under the age of 22, you will be automatically enrolled on the 1 st of the month following your 22 nd birthday (although it is possible to voluntarily ‘opt - in’ beforehand).

What are the investment options – and how do I instruct fund switches?

• The ‘default’ investment option is the Aegon Growth Tracker (Flexible Target) (ARC) Fund. All contributions will be invested in this fund, unless you instruct otherwise. • There is a huge range of alternative options available with AEGON – this is a key advantage of the arrangement. You have access to more than 4,800 investments – other funds and individual shares. • For full details of the default fund (and the range of alternative options), please click here where you can search for all available funds. • If you wish to switch out of the default fund and choose your own investment funds, you will first of all need to register for full online access. You will then be able to submit your instructions online. Further details can be found here . • Alongside your Pension, the AEGON platform also enables you to hold and collectively manage personal investments such as Investment ISAs and General Investment Accounts. For more information please click the link above for the plan guide.

When can I withdraw benefits?

The normal retirement age for the plan is 65 but benefits can be taken at any time (without penalty) from age 55. This minimum retirement age changes to 57 from 2028.


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